18-02-2011 This phrase keeps ruminating in my head: "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." I am unsure of its origins, but to be frank, I don't really care. It holds true to life, and coincides with the purpose of my blogging. When I think of this statement I remember this particular instance when George and I were out for "our drive." We go out for drives a lot especially when we are in Cape Breton. During this particular drive, we somehow ended up in Donkin, which is just outside of Glace Bay. In Donkin there is this company house. For those of you who are unaware of what company houses are, I will now attempt to explain what a company house is and its purpose. The main industry in the early 1900s in Cape Breton was coal mining. It was considered to be black gold because it was so profitable. Unfortunately, these mines were run by unscrupulous individuals who thought more about the money than the people mining their product. The "company" bought land and built houses. Their employees lived in these houses, but at a cost. Although to most it may seem like a good deal, the miners' rent was deducted from their pay. There were also "company" stores from which the miners purchased their monthly groceries and amenities. These purchases were also deducted from their pay. At the end of the month, the miners either had little to no money, or were still in debt to the company. This is a dark and very true story about the life of the miners. It is a base that established the resilience that we still now see in those who will never forget.
Now back to my drive.
George and I were driving through Donkin and we came across this company house. This house was special. The person who owned this particular company house did some renovations to it to make it less like a company house and more like someone's palace. They re-did the top floor to include a balcony. It was so interesting that George said, "Well that is making lemonade," and we both cracked up and laughed. Guess what though: it has become synonymous with that saying for George and me.
So here it is: Perhaps you are one of the lucky ones, born in a life that hands everything to you, and luck always follows you. You breeze through life like those summer breezes through the cherry blossoms, spreading your joy around everywhere. Sweet-smelling and always accepted by those around you. Lots of people envy those who appear to 'have it all.' Perhaps you are a person that, well, quite frankly, was dealt a terrible hand at life, and a fish out of water was voted more likely to survive than you. You are the person constantly comparing your life to others because you've had it so hard, and all you see is how ungrateful those who have good fortune in life are. You claim that you live in the real world; you are not a pessimist or optimist, you are a 'realist.' You live in the real world, worked hard for everything you have and know life. The reality of being put into a life like this is this: if you are one of these people, you have to make a choice. The choice you need to make is, are you going to suck on the lemon, be sour at life, or are you going to make lemonade? Are you just going to sit by idly and allow life to pass you by, or when opportunities do come knocking, are you ready to open the door?
I personally have found myself in some pretty entangled and strangling sitiuations. I am lucky because I have been blessed with a gift. My gift is my personality. It wouldn't allow me not to face everything head-on. I challenged and continue to challenge everything. My family used to say that I would make a great lawyer because of my ability to argue even if I am wrong (which never occurs). I have always been a fighter. I press boundaries, making it difficult for my life or my sitiuation to bring me down. I know that I am going in a straight line because I would be ashamed if I avoided the truth. I refuse to hold on to things that are not that important to me. Besides, whatever circumstance you were born into do not define the person that you are today. Trust me, I have met several supposed well-to-do people who could find their own head if it wasn't attached to them. Irregardless, you have gotten to where you are because of you. Plus you have the experience to reflect upon and make youself better. You have an advantage. Knowledge.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
For those of you who are not religous, well, this applies to life. So just drop the God at the begining, and it still works.
Happy Really Does It. Positive thinking will change perspectives of all that choose to live positively. It all comes down to making a choice. Kind of cool; you have the power to control your own situation just by focusing on the successes, no matter how small. They are yours. Your smiles. Your happys. Your breaths.
Happy Does It
Now back to my drive.
George and I were driving through Donkin and we came across this company house. This house was special. The person who owned this particular company house did some renovations to it to make it less like a company house and more like someone's palace. They re-did the top floor to include a balcony. It was so interesting that George said, "Well that is making lemonade," and we both cracked up and laughed. Guess what though: it has become synonymous with that saying for George and me.
So here it is: Perhaps you are one of the lucky ones, born in a life that hands everything to you, and luck always follows you. You breeze through life like those summer breezes through the cherry blossoms, spreading your joy around everywhere. Sweet-smelling and always accepted by those around you. Lots of people envy those who appear to 'have it all.' Perhaps you are a person that, well, quite frankly, was dealt a terrible hand at life, and a fish out of water was voted more likely to survive than you. You are the person constantly comparing your life to others because you've had it so hard, and all you see is how ungrateful those who have good fortune in life are. You claim that you live in the real world; you are not a pessimist or optimist, you are a 'realist.' You live in the real world, worked hard for everything you have and know life. The reality of being put into a life like this is this: if you are one of these people, you have to make a choice. The choice you need to make is, are you going to suck on the lemon, be sour at life, or are you going to make lemonade? Are you just going to sit by idly and allow life to pass you by, or when opportunities do come knocking, are you ready to open the door?
I personally have found myself in some pretty entangled and strangling sitiuations. I am lucky because I have been blessed with a gift. My gift is my personality. It wouldn't allow me not to face everything head-on. I challenged and continue to challenge everything. My family used to say that I would make a great lawyer because of my ability to argue even if I am wrong (which never occurs). I have always been a fighter. I press boundaries, making it difficult for my life or my sitiuation to bring me down. I know that I am going in a straight line because I would be ashamed if I avoided the truth. I refuse to hold on to things that are not that important to me. Besides, whatever circumstance you were born into do not define the person that you are today. Trust me, I have met several supposed well-to-do people who could find their own head if it wasn't attached to them. Irregardless, you have gotten to where you are because of you. Plus you have the experience to reflect upon and make youself better. You have an advantage. Knowledge.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
For those of you who are not religous, well, this applies to life. So just drop the God at the begining, and it still works.
Happy Really Does It. Positive thinking will change perspectives of all that choose to live positively. It all comes down to making a choice. Kind of cool; you have the power to control your own situation just by focusing on the successes, no matter how small. They are yours. Your smiles. Your happys. Your breaths.
Happy Does It